Our 100% Model

Agape in Action's CORE Fund supports all the administrative costs of the charity. This CORE fund is directly supported by generous business donors and other individuals. This fund covers everything required for efficient and effective operations, including accounting and legal fees, databases, websites, bank fees, PayPal fees, marketing, printing, postage, etc.
This allows us to commit 100% of our regular donors’ funds to the field
The funds directed to the field are used to run over 40 programs that directly support over 4000 children and adults living in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Mozambique, Sierra Leone, Cameroon, India, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu. We provide physical and spiritual support for children and families so they can lift themselves out of poverty. Whether it’s supporting our young people through trades, running schools and children’s homes, developing small businesses, providing microloans or drilling boreholes, we are in it for the long haul.