Sponsor a Child
Child sponsorship provides children with the basics of life - food, shelter, education and healthcare
Child sponsorship is a commitment of love over the long-term. Sponsorship provides food, clothing, shelter, medical care, school fees, uniforms and school supplies to very needy children. These basics of life provide the building blocks for a hopeful future. The support is not just physical. These children attend Sunday Schools and are instructed in the way of life. When a needy family is identified by the local ecclesia, Agape in Action ensures the family meets the sponsorship criteria and then looks to identify sponsors for the family.
Once sponsored, Agape in Action will partner with the family over the long-term to ensure that each child graduates from high school or obtains a trade education. This long-term investment in a child pays off many times over as those helped, in turn, help others in need. Child sponsorship is an investment that reaches far beyond just one child. ​
A sponsored Child will receive:
Medical Check-ups
Dental Check-Ups
Personal Hygiene Kits
Mosquito Nets
Access to Clean Water
School Fees
School Bag
School Books
School Uniform
Socks and Shoes
Sunday School materials
You can help by sponsoring a child for $40/mth.
You can let Agape in Action identify the child on a priority basis or you may choose the gender, age-range and country of your sponsored child.