​As Agape in Action has grown into a large and complex organisation, it has become increasingly important to put in place several layers of accountability. These measures are necessary to meet our stringent legal obligations and ensure an effective and efficient use of funds. The following bullets summarise Agape in Action’s accountability measures:
Agape in Action is a registered charity in Canada and the United States with additional offices in Australia and New Zealand.
Two boards of directors in Canada and the United States are established under Canadian and US law and are required to comply with accountability requirements and submit annual reports...

Agape in Action’s accountability measures continued: ​
All board members are in good standing within the Christadelphian community with at least 50% of members being at arms length (not related to each other).
Agape in Action is governed by a constitution and by-laws; the constitution outlines the election of board members and defines the objectives and activities of Agape in Action.
The Canadian board reviews and approves budgets, discusses strategic direction and oversees administrative and legal issues.
In accordance with Canadian charity law, Agape in Action must exercise control over all projects and have formal ‘agency’ and ‘contractor’ agreements in place with all project coordinators and workers; these signed agreement outline roles, responsibilities, activities and accountability requirements.
All expenditures in the field are pre-approved and accounted for with receipts; physical copies of receipts or scanned copies are provided to certified accountants in Australia and Canada who manage Agape in Action’s books and prepare financial reports for government filing on an annual basis.
An independent, chartered accounting firm provides an annual review or audit of Agape in Action's books to ensure compliance with professional standards and Canadian, US and Australian charity law.
Money is only provided to Agape in Action representatives who have been recommended by the relevant CBMs and with whom Agape in Action has full trust and confidence; goods and services (not cash) are in turn provided to the families and children we support.
All bank accounts in Canada, US, Australia and the countries we work have multiple signatories.
Transfer of funds to the field are made on a monthly basis to limit the amount of each individual transfer; transfers are only made if all accountability measures, including provision of receipts, are in order.
Agape in Action has in place formal anti-fraud and anti-financial crimes policies in compliance with Canadian law; this covers all our activities in all countries we operate. All Agape in Action representatives are signatories to these policies.
Agape in Action regularly communicates with the CBM and other organisations to ensure coordination of projects and to find efficiencies whenever possible.
Agape in Action Board Members
Agape in Action - Canada
Board of Directors:
James Flint
Deb Flint
Kathryn Hodge
Michael Buxton-Carr
Chris Sales
Beau Rivard
Agape in Action - USA
Board of Directors:
Jeff Paggi
Christian Russell
Jennifer Russell
Paul Cadieux
Jasmine Cadieux
Ed Newton
Nolan Patterson
Kelley Patterson
Agape in Action - Australia
Board of Directors:
James Flint
Deb Flint
Zazz Oosthuizen
James Lynch
Mark Pitcher