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Australian Donations

1) PayPal
Please see PayPal payment options below.

2) Bank Transfer
Name - Agape in Action Bank of Queensland
BSB - 124001
Account Number - 20690528
Transfer Description - Sponsor Childs ID
IMPORTANT: Earmark your Please earmark your payment with your name and project name (similar to the cheque option)

3) Cheques
Cheques made out to 'Agape in Action'
Earmarked - Project name or "general donation"
Mailed To - Agape in Action, 16 Pinnaroo Close, Belmont North, NSW 2280, Australia
As Agape in Action has grown to a large and complex organisation, it has become increasingly important to put in place several layers of accountability. These measures are necessary to meet stringent legal obligations and ensure the most effective and efficient use of funds possible.

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