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Frequently Asked Questions

Where does Agape in Action work?

Agape in Action is currently working on projects in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, India, Vietnam and Vanuatu. We are currently assessing project opportunities in several other South East Asian countries.  



How do you decide where you will work and what projects you will run?

We work where the needs are the greatest and where there are faithful individuals who can mange the projects. 



Can I support Agape in Action in ways other than donating money?

There are many ways to support Agape in Action that don’t require financial resources. You can donate your time, energy or talents to share information and updates, give presentations or organise fund raisers. You can volunteer to help in the running of Agape in Action or simply pray for the efforts. Please get in touch if you would like more information about how you can help. 



Who is behind Agape in Action?

Agape in Action is a Christadelphian organisation dedicated to working with some of the poorest communities in the world. We are a community of volunteers committed to supporting the spiritual and physical needs of children and families living in extreme poverty. Agape in Action works closely with our CBM counterparts, local ecclesias and other organisations in the field. We greatly appreciate their wisdom and guidance. 



Tell me about the Spiritual programs that Agape in Action has in place?

Providing spiritual and physical support to those in need lies at the heart of everything Agape in Action does as an organisation. In fact, it lies at the heart of everything we do as followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. We all recognise the importance of a strong faith grounded on sure promises. And we all recognise that a true faith is manifest in the most practical of ways. It’s impossible to be “of the truth” if we fail to respond with compassion to the needs of our others  (1 John 3:17-19). Spiritual care is provided through teaching, mentoring and equipping those with whom we work. Schools share bible lessons, sponsors give spiritual guidance, coordinators provide counsel and trainers use the scriptures in their instruction. Agape in Action provides Bibles, first principles notes and books to support spiritual development. The LIFE program develops spiritual leaders from across Kenya throughout a 3 month residential training and mentoring program.  



How is Agape in Action accountable?

Agape in Action is committed to the highest level of accountability. As a legal requirement for registered charities, Agape in Action must maintain control of and be accountable for all funds spent. In order to meet these requirements and to ensure that every dollar is spent to the maximum benefit of the intended recipients, Agape in Action:

  • works in close collaboration with the relevant CBM representatives at the regional or national level to ensure that funds are appropriately directed and accounted for;

  • recruits local Agape in Action Representatives to oversee and coordinate Agape in Action activities in the field; each local representative is well respected in their community and have demonstrated years of service to those in need;

  • establishes local committees to work with the Agape in Action representatives and oversee the administration of support;

  • channels all funds through the Canadian, Australian and United States offices and then via local representatives. Funds never pass directly from sponsor to recipient. As much as possible, goods and services, rather than cash, are provided to families with sponsored children;

  • requires that local Agape in Action representatives verify and sign off on all requests for support and applications for child sponsorship;

  • requires all parents or guardians applying for child sponsorship on behalf of a child to sign a ‘responsible stewardship clause’ that outlines the expectations for those receiving support;

  • requires that all purchases for child or project sponsorship be approved by the Agape in Action Board;

  • requires that each purchase of goods or services for child or project sponsorship be recorded in an ‘expense log’ and be accompanied by a receipt;

  • reviews receipts and expense logs from each local Agape in Action representative every 2 months;

  • has a written agreement with local representatives as required by the Canada Revenue Agency and outlines in detail the specific roles and responsibilities of the local representatives;

  • Unlike many charities that give their money to partner organisations to administer, Agape in Action works directly with trusted brothers and sisters who are recommended to us by the CBM. As such, we maintain very close control over the funds and can confidently account for every dollar spent. 


What does it mean that I can sponsor a Child with Agape in Action?

Child sponsorship is a commitment of love over the long-term. It is a partnership with a family living in extreme poverty or with an Agape in Action Children’s Home caring for orphans. Many of the children we support have been taken in by poor Christadelphian families. These brothers and sisters often don't have the means to care for any extra children, yet they do. They say yes, even though they have every reason to say no. It’s an amazing commitment and a very personal sacrifice. Agape in Action, through the Child Sponsorship Program, provides support to these families. 


The financial support from sponsors is translated into food, clothing, shelter, medical care, school fees, uniforms and clean water. These are the very basics of life and provide the building blocks for a hopeful future. The support is not just physical. These children are in caring families or Children’s Homes; they attend Sunday School and youth activities and as they become older, many contribute to their ecclesias as brothers and sisters. 


One of the most exciting things about the Sponsorship program is that it often comes full circle. It begins by helping needy children and ends with these children giving to others in need. There is nothing more encouraging than seeing those graduating from our programs giving of themselves to help others. Some have even come back to volunteer and work for Agape in Action. Child sponsorship is an investment that reaches far beyond any one child.



What types of projects does Agape in Action run?

Agape in Action embraces a holistic approach when providing care. We provide support for acute needs (emergency medical care, drought relief, etc) and for long term development to lift people from extreme poverty.  Agape in Action's projects are organised as follows: 

  1. Education and training

  2. Homes and shelters

  3. Health and nutrition

  4. Water and sanitation

  5. Spiritual care and development

  6. Micro-finance and business training

  7. Sustainability and income generation



Will my donations be tax deductible?

Canada: Yes, we are a registered charity and all donations are tax deductible

United States: Yes, we are a registered charity and all donations are tax deductible

Australia: Yes, we are a registered charity and all donations are tax deductible



What is Agape in Action's CORE fund?

Every donor wants to see their money have as much impact as possible. Individual donors like their money going to the field with as little as possible being used along the way. Corporate donors understand that for organisations to be truly effective and viable over the long term, a strong administrative core is vital. The 100% initiative brings these two giving preferences together in an arrangement that benefits all; corporate (Christadelphian businesses) donors and individual donors underwrite the operating expenses of Agape in Action allowing 100% of individual donator funds to be committed directly to the field. 

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Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with
actions and in truth - 1 John 3:18

Canadian Registered Charity: 852246982RR0001

United States Registered Charity: 27-0462589

Australian Registered Charity: 61625370265

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