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The Christadelphians

The Christadelphians have attempted to get back to the faith and character of the early Christian church in New Testament times. The name 'Christadelphian' has been in use for about 150 years. It comes from two Greek words and means "Brothers and Sisters in Christ". 


We are located in over 120 countries throughout the world with large groups of Christadelphians in the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand, North America, India, Asia and Africa. Like the early Christians, we meet in homes, rented rooms and, in some cases, our own halls. 


We are a lay community; each congregation is called an 'ecclesia' (the Greek New Testament word for church). We have no paid clergy or church hierarchy. Members of each congregation are addressed as 'brother' or 'sister', and all are involved in organising our activities. All members contribute their time and energy voluntarily in service. A strong common belief binds our community together.

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Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with
actions and in truth - 1 John 3:18

Canadian Registered Charity: 852246982RR0001

United States Registered Charity: 27-0462589

Australian Registered Charity: 61625370265

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